Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Rugged Tree Exclusive Gardens

When I went through my divorce, we closed the corporation and I reopened my own business....The Rugged Tree...Exclusive Gardens and Yardscapes. Join me here in some amazing and unique places. I have to pinch myself! This is WORK.

Yesterday, I worked on organizing, cleaning, and pruning in a friend's greenhouse. My friend, and coworker, Lori also assisted throughout this transformation. She is an organized diva. It was an overgrown jungle.

When I walked in...the plants had taken over and I could not walk through the aisle. I wish I had taken a before pic. The plants were not organized in like species and some were dead. The ones that had taken over like aliens...needed a good whackin'. It took two of us 5 hours...but the end result...I am very pleased! I hope my friend Jan is pleased when she returns home from her Arizona snowbirding!

This is only half of the greenhouse...the other encompasses a semi circle with a potting box, sink, and brick stairs leading into the home. Her rosemary was 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide when I entered. The parsley had 1 inch diameters and grew from one side of the aisle to the other. The cactus...well...they were good, little pokey things.

The ivy and wondering were creepy scary and all over the place. is peaceful in there and like something out of Homes and Gardens!


  1. It does look like a homes and gardens place! So jealous!!! I'd love to have a greenhouse and spend the day learning and pruning and talking to my plants!


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